Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Friday, May 12, 2017

Daring Greatly

Anyone who's known me for longer than five minutes knows that I love the work of Brene Brown. I have read all her books, watched every YouTube video she's ever been in, and listened to every podcast she's been a part of. I follow her everywhere on social media. Everything she says about vulnerability, authenticity and resilience just resonates so much; over the last 2-3 years, I have been increasingly putting her work into practice in my daily life.

Recently, I discovered her online courses around Daring Greatly and Rising Strong--extended learning from two of her books. So naturally, I signed myself up. If you appreciate Brene's work and want to explore more of what it means to live it out in your own life, I highly recommend both courses.

At the end of the Daring Greatly course, one of the exercises was to write a Daring Greatly Manifesto. She has one in her book, but encourages each person to write their own, based on their own personal values. For me, I think it was the first time I was able to succinctly yet specifically capture what I stand for, what I value, and how I want to live and love in this world.

Here's to Daring Greatly.

I value love, loyalty, and belonging.
I believe in extending grace.
In living with integrity.
And that time is one of the most
valuable gifts I can give.

I commit to showing kindness, even when
it’s hard,
acting with authenticity, even when
it’s scary, and
connecting with others, even when
I would rather go it alone.

I will dare greatly by speaking
my boundaries.
By standing my sacred ground when I
would rather run away.
By trusting my feelings with those
who’ve earned the right to hold them.

I will love myself with quiet spaces
and gentle paces.
I will remember that I am worthy
of the love, loyalty, and belonging
that I so freely give to others.

And I will keep my eyes on my Creator;
because I see my reflection there.