Thursday, January 19, 2012


About a year ago at this time, there was so much snow on the ground that when my friends and I snowshoed around the city's parks, we were flush with the tops of benches and large garbage cans. This year's precipitation levels have been the complete opposite. In some ways--particularly ways that involve a driveway and a shovel--I am grateful. That being said, I have missed the snowshoeing. As have my friends.

Currently, we are on Day 5 of a deep freeze stretch. But on day one of this stretch, it snowed. Enough to actually cover stuff. And enough to justify snowshoeing, -30C or not.

Sure, we could have tromped around the field in just our boots and actually been just fine. But that's not the point. It's half way through January in Alberta and we hadn't yet been able to break out the snowshoes. That's just not right. We were chomping at the bit.


We did pace ourselves, voting for a half-hour trek instead of our usual hour. It took us about half an hour just to get ourselves dressed and geared up. We are poorly out of routine. But now afterwards, as I rehydrate and have a bite to eat, I am awash in that endorphin-driven, post-outdoor-activity feeling of satisfaction.

Could it be that I actually find myself wishing it would snow a little more???

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