Friday, July 15, 2011

30 1/2

In the summer time, my schedule is not as packed with things to do. Often I find that each day kind of runs into the next, and my sense of time tends to disappear a little bit. So it was the other evening, as I was climbing into bed, that I thought of the fact that it was July 13.

When I was a kid, this was an important day in my mind. It marked the half way point between my previous birthday and my next birthday. It meant that I could officially refer to myself as whatever-and-a-half years old when asked my age. Somewhere in my early teens, I stopped referring to my age in terms of halves. And if someone asked, and we were well into fall or winter, I would just say, "well, I'm almost..." whatever age was coming up. But every July 13--in my head--I would quietly think, "I'm officially #-and-a-half." Every year. Including this one.

I am 30 1/2.

Doesn't even really roll off the tongue.

I wasn't sure about turning 30. I'm still not sure about being 30. Half way through the year already, and I feel like it's mostly been an uphill adventure. Tight budgets, long winter, challenging work, change and transition. Summer has arrived, and while the pace of things has slowed dramatically, the joy in things continues to be something I must make more of a conscious effort to find and embrace than usual.

It is there. In the taste of snap peas from my garden. In the warmth of the sunshine. In brisk walks and good talks with friends. ...I am ridiculously blessed, and I am thankful for that--otherwise, this would be a really long year! The Fruit of the Spirit nourishes when we are in a season of drought. The Armor of God protects when we are attacked by challenges and doubts. I just need to maintain perspective.

Still, I think I'm also a little bit thankful that I am now closer to 31 than 30. Not that I'm thankful to be getting older. But thankful of the reminder that time keeps moving forward. I know from past experience that the desert place is only temporary. And God can make a path for me through desert sand just as well as anywhere else.


Sara said...

Good perspective. It's amazing how time starts to slip away sometimes, isn't it? And it's easy for it to move along and not have accomplished nearly as much as you (I) planned... Sorry I haven't answered your e-mail yet. I tried to once or twice and got called away... Hope you're having a great day!

Margaret said...

A hug across cyberspace for you, Sweetie -- a drop of refreshing, cool, clear water as you walk across the landscape to 31... :-)