(About 85F)
This is still considered uncharacteristic for Alberta in September, despite being the fourth year in a row that we have been graced with summer temperatures in autumn (ironically, we never hit 30C this summer...).
You can bet I've been trying to take advantage of the warmth and sunshine while it's been around! These last few warm weekends have seen me working at the garden to get it ready for its winter sleep, traipsing through various parts of the city on photo walks with the Edmonton Photography Meet-Up group, soaking up the rays on walks with friends, and taking many a picture.
Yesterday I was down in Edmonton's River Valley doing a photo shoot for a family I am acquainted with. Admittedly, it was one of the tougher shoots I've done. I am appreciative of the warm sun and vibrant colours that softened the blow to my ego.
I took the afternoon for myself today. I pulled the camping chair out of the garage to the yard. The cats stretched out in patches of shade while I lounged in full sun. I enjoyed good ol' PB&J as I got started on my newest library book.
In the summer when I am reading outside, I generally take a glass of water with me and 3-4 small freezies. I consume all of them to keep cool while I am reading. Summer or not, today seemed like a freezie day to me.
I have to say, it feels much easier to start the descent into winter when autumn presents itself this way.
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