Monday, March 8, 2010

I ♥ My Niece!

Context: I was looking at animal figurines with my nephew, A, and was labeling the scorpion one for him. My niece, S, was close by.

S: "Aunty Gina, what's a scorpion?"
G: "It's... kind of a bug." A bit worried she'll freak out about them, I reassure her, "they don't live here in Canada cuz it's too cold in the winter. They only live where it's hot all the time."
S: "...I think I would like to live there."
G: (completely taken aback) "Yeah?"
S: "Yeah, cuz if it's hot all the time, then we don't have to worry about all this bundling up."

Music to an aunty's ears!!!

1 comment:

Sara said...

:) I get really tired of the piles of coats and hats and boots with toddlers in the snow, but we were talking about all the scorpions and spiders and centipedes etc, etc, etc that live in AZ the other day, and I wasn't looking forward to getting reacquainted with them...