While I don't relate to all the things the author and his fans deem as sheer awesomeness, there are definitely a few that made me laugh out loud knowing that I was not the only one who reveled in a certain guilty pleasure. Or ones that I would read and couldn't help but state aloud, "exactly!"
For example, Awesome Thing #482. Or Awesome Thing #973. Or especially Awesome Thing #797.
It's neat to see the little things that are appreciated by [presumably] large chunks of North American society. I don't generally have a problem appreciating the little things. But generally the "little things" are quite specific to my world. Take today, for instance. Today has been full of little things that have accumulated to a great day:
- The sun shining.
- Wearing red.
- Realizing that my tip of my pony tail now brushes the bottom of my neck (i.e. realizing how long my hair actually is!).
- Coffee.
- The words "Aunty Gina" from a child's mouth.
- Successfully expending said child's energy. ...And that of his sisters, too.
- Successfully expending that energy outside.
- An afternoon snack and beverage with friends on a patio in the sun.
- Friends who let you hone your photography skills using them as models!
- Seeing the photos that turned out 'right' (oddly enough, one or two perfect photos actually make up for the enormous number that don't quite do what you want).
- Cats purring.
- Chick pea salad.

1 comment:
Yes...a reminder that (generally) 'The best things in life are free." :-) Awesome for me?
Dong the early morning 'Garden Tour' and seeing how much everything grew after it rained the night before; being able to hang my laundry outside to dry -- and how it smells afterward! Revealing the gleam of silverware under my polishing cloth; watching my cat sleep....
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