Sunday, June 6, 2010

Txtng + Drvng

I don't get vocally passionate about a lot of things, but there are a range of safety issues that totally get me riled up when people just don't use common sense: driving impaired; not wearing a seat belt; not wearing a bike helmet; and, as technology has made it an issue, texting while driving. Seriously, how does anyone think this is functional?

(Head's up, this video is quite graphic in the first 60 seconds)

And while that video is a dramatization, those exact scenarios do play out in real life:


1 comment:

Lindsay said...

one of our assignments this last semester was to design an anti texting and driving poster. Doing the research for the project was a real eye opener to me. It made me more aware of how easy it is to just grab your phone to send off a quick text message. Definitely an issue that needs more awareness.