I'm not complaining. 25C and sunny is great! Plus, the amount of rain has meant that I haven't had to water my lawn, and I haven't run out of water in the rain barrel for my garden. And the fluctuation between warmer and cooler days has kept my house comfortable, too. Still, it's unusual. Us Albertans know what to expect out of summer, and we've been thrown some curve balls the last few years. This year was the wet curve ball, apparently.
After cooler weather this past week, the forecast for the weekend was gorgeous. Sunny skies all around! Those kinds of weekends send all manner of Albertans outdoors at the best of times; even more so this summer, it seems, as we try to take advantage of every warm ray, every minute of clear blue daylight, every remotely warm body of water, every summer-only activity. For myself, it was a girl's weekend at a friend's cottage. I don't think we could have chosen a better weekend!
As we returned to the cottage in the late afternoon, we started unfolding plans for the rest of the evening: a card game, a camp fire, marshmallows, chocolate, and tasty drinks. Does it get any better than that!? ...Yes, yes it does.
I popped away from the camp fire briefly to capture the golden prairie sunset--whenever possible, I always try to capture at least one sunset when I am camping, traveling, or am otherwise vay-cay-ing away from home. The draw of the red-orange light is hard to resist.Later that evening, after the sun was long gone--and I don't know what prompted it--we found ourselves laying in the lane in front of the cottage property, gazing up at the stars. We don't see much more than the Big Dipper in the city, and we found ourselves a bit awash in awe: "...so expansive..." "Some of these stars don't even exist by the time we see them." "...Hands which flung stars into space...." "I feel small. ...In a good way."
A warm sunny day and a cozy summer evening. We all slept well that night.
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